• January 17, 2024
  • News

A Promising Outlook for the 2024 Spring Real Estate Market

In a recent article by Mike Simonsen of Altos Research, featured on January 8, 2024, the real estate market for the coming spring shows a surprisingly strong start, indicating a robust year ahead for home sales and prices.

Let’s explore how to leverage these trends for success in a year that promises growth, change, and unparalleled opportunities in the real estate sector.


Key Highlights from Mike Simonsen’s Analysis:

  • Sales Growth: Simonsen projects a 15% increase in home sales in 2024 compared to 2023, with home prices also expected to rise by a few percentage points.
  • Market Trends: The year 2024 has started stronger than 2023, with an increasing demand each week, contrasting with the rapid weakening in Q2 of 2022 and the slowdown in Q3 of 2023 due to high mortgage rates.
  • Inventory and Pricing: The current inventory stands at 499,000 unsold single-family homes, slightly up from last year. Sellers are gradually returning to the market, easing the previous year’s tight supply.
  • Regional Disparities: Inventory growth varies across regions, with an increase in the south and central US, but a decrease in the Western and Northeast states.
  • Contract and Sales Increase: There are currently 247,000 homes in contract, a 4.25% increase from last year, indicating a growing sales rate for 2024.
  • Price Reductions and New Listings: Price reductions are declining, while new listings have spiked to $409,000 after the new year, suggesting an early positive price signal for 2024.

Conclusion and Implications:

Simonsen’s analysis points to a strong and growing real estate market for 2024, characterized by increasing sales, a gradually improving inventory, and stable pricing trends. This optimistic outlook is significant for real estate agents and buyers alike, signaling a healthy and dynamic market in the coming months.

Credit: This summary is based on the insights and analysis provided by Mike Simonsen, President and Founder of Altos Research, in his article published on January 8, 2024.

Understanding these market dynamics is crucial for real estate professionals in strategizing and advising clients effectively in the 2024 real estate landscape.

For Agents Working with Sellers

  1. Capitalize on Rising Demand: With home sales projected to grow by 15% in 2024, encourage sellers to list their properties now to take advantage of the increasing buyer interest.
  2. Price Strategically: Given the decline in price reductions and the spike in new listing prices, advise sellers to price their homes competitively. Utilize recent sales data and market trends to set an appealing price point that reflects the current market conditions.
  3. Prepare for Quick Transactions: With a rise in home contracts, prepare your sellers for potentially quicker sales processes. Ensure they are ready for fast decision-making and possibly shorter listing periods.
  4. Highlight Regional Market Trends: Tailor your selling strategies based on regional disparities. For example, in areas like the south and central US, where inventory is climbing, emphasize the unique features of the property to stand out in a growing market.

For Agents Working with Buyers

  1. Act Quickly and Decisively: Inform buyers about the increasing competition and the need for prompt action in making offers, especially in regions with growing inventory and sales rates.
  2. Advise on Mortgage Rate Fluctuations: Educate buyers about the sensitivity of the market to mortgage rate changes. Encourage them to secure favorable rates swiftly as the market is expected to be volatile.
  3. Focus on Long-Term Value: In a market with rising prices, advise buyers to consider the long-term value and potential appreciation of properties, rather than just the immediate cost.
  4. Explore Diverse Locations: Due to regional variations in inventory, encourage buyers to explore different areas, especially those with more available inventory, to find the best deals.

General Strategies

  1. Stay Informed and Agile: Keep abreast of market trends and adjust strategies as the market evolves. Being well-informed enables you to provide timely and accurate advice to clients.
  2. Leverage Digital Marketing: Utilize digital platforms for marketing listings and reaching out to potential clients, as the digital real estate landscape continues to grow.
  3. Build Relationships: In a dynamic market, strong client relationships become even more valuable. Prioritize excellent service and clear communication to build trust and retain clients.
  4. Educate Clients: Regularly update your clients about market trends, price dynamics, and inventory changes. An informed client is more likely to make confident decisions quickly, which is crucial in a competitive market.


By adopting these strategies, real estate agents can navigate the promising yet dynamic 2024 real estate market effectively, ensuring both their clients’ satisfaction and their own success in the industry.

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