We Can Kick It.

We are proud to announce that partner, Justin Steinberg, has recently become a board member of We Can Kick It. We Can Kick It is a nonprofit organization that offers free soccer programs to children and young adults, aged 6-18, affected by cancer. Their soccer community is based in the New York metropolitan area. We Can Kick It provides a fun and inspiring environment for kids affected by cancer to play and learn the game of soccer. Their mission is to expand throughout the United States, helping those affected by cancer everywhere.

Recently, the soccer team that founder of We Can Kick It, Adrian Conoboy, used to coach held a fundraiser for the nonprofit and raised $500. The local Haddonfield girls soccer team gets together each month to participate in at least one charitable act on a monthly basis throughout South Jersey.

If you are interested in donating to We Can Kick It or wish to learn more about this inspiring organization, you can visit their website here!

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